LC-MS/MS Analysis of Paraquat and Diquat without Ion-Pairing Reagents


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Typically, LC-MS/MS analysis of paraquat and diquat involves the use of ion-pairing reagents in order to achieve adequate retention, resolution, and peak shape. However, ion-pairing reagents are known to compete with target analytes for ionization, which typically results in reduced sensitivity. These reagents can also contaminate the LC-MS/MS system, requiring that it be taken off-line frequently for extensive cleaning.

This application note demonstrates a method for the LC-MS/MS analysis of paraquat and diquat that does not use ion-pairing reagents, but still provides good retention and peak shape. Both target analytes were fully resolved and showed much greater sensitivity at 50 ng/mL (50 ppb) compared to ion-pairing methods.

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